An Oshkosh To Remember I

Following is a letter that was published in our club newsletter some time ago.
This might offer some motivation for those considering the flight to Oshkosh
this summer...
The story begins early one Friday morning prior to the annual Oshkosh fly-in.
Members of the Fox Valley Flying club are eagerly preparing their respective
machines to make the 165 mile trip. The time is 05:45, the sun is beginning
to rise and the atmosphere is filled with adrenaline and anticipation as the 14
ultralight pilots hurriedly fuel their planes, pack their camping gear and
check their C.B. radios for what lies ahead. Some of the members that are
driving are doing on-the-spot camcorder interviews with each of the pilots
while they ready for the trip. As with most meticulously planned events, once
the first engine is started, chaos ensues as each pilot attempts to get ready
for take off with the rest of the group. Before takeoff, each pilot picks a
flying partner to ensure that someone will be there in case of emergency. The
first to leave are the group of slower planes - mostly MXs, the second group
consists of the faster planes (less slow) such as the Challenger, Falcon,
Beaver, MXL, Phantom, and Titan. Usually, we all end up within 10 minutes of
each other at the airports. Our planned stops for the day are Galt, East Troy,
Hartford and Oshkosh. Each leg is at most 50 miles to accommodate the planes
with less range.
The take off goes well - we are all in the air by sun up. Calling ahead to
the first group, we find out they are about 20 miles ahead of us. The early
morning mist still covered patches of the ground and the cool air
was trying to penetrate the 3 or 4 layers of protective clothing I had worn -
but the adrenaline was high enough to keep the chill off. One of the great
things about open air ultralights are the smells of the countryside as you
pass over recently cut grass or pine trees, etc. This was one of those days
when all seemed as if it were meant to be - the weather was perfect, our radios
were all functioning properly (a rare occurrence), and the scenery from 20 feet
altitude was awesome. Spectators from along our route waive as we pass
overhead - some of the guys do a mini airshow for the more enthusiastic
As we traverse the Wisconsin countryside, the lead plane (a Falcon) points out
the landmarks. During a few legs of the trip the ground is heavily wooded,
and you find yourself listening for every power stroke of the engine and every
new noise from your plane - the 'new' noises seem to multiply in times like
We all make it to the last stop before Oshkosh in one piece. By this time we
are all tired and hungry, but ready for more. After all the guys arrive, we
sit around and recount our trip so far as we down a few pizzas. After
refueling ourselves and our planes, we call ahead to Oshkosh for an ok to
arrive. After the ok, we're off. There is nothing quite like the
experience of flying in to Oshkosh. As you approach the ultralight runway,
you see a sea of planes covering the airport, traffic backed up on all access
roads, and people and tents everywhere. We approach in single file, spaced
enough to allow safe landings for those behind us. After we're all on the
ground, we celebrate our monumental accomplishment. This has already been an
Oshkosh to remember!
Stay tuned for the sequel - the trip home!!!
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