Transport Canada licensed ultralight instructors:

pfw= powered fixed wing
pla= powered lighter than air
ppg= powered para glider foot launch
ppw= powered para wing
prb= powered rocket belt
pws= powered weight shift
rtw= rotor wing
(alphabetical by province)
Name City Phone Types
Ed D'Antoni Calgary AB (403) 247-6621 pfw
Tom King Grande Prairie AB (403) 532-1221 pfw
Loren King Grande Prairie AB (403) 532-0059 pfw
Barry King Grande Prairie AB (403) 532-5725 pfw
Alex Bahlsen High River AB ? pfw
E-Mail: hrfc@iguy.com
Kevin Varey High River AB ? pfw
E-Mail: hrfc@iguy.com
Hans Roeben ? AB (403) 658-2044 ppw
Norm Sanders ? AB (403) 963-7461 ppw
Vic Bridgette Fort Langley BC (604) 431-6713
Keith Crockatt Victoria BC (250) 479-3757 ppw
(voice or fax)
Ralph Pritchard Shediac NB (506) 532-6881 pfw
Frank Savignac Sussex NB (506) 433-5675 ppg, pws
(506) 434-5601
E-Mail: frank@poweredparaglidingnewbrunswick.com
URL: http://poweredparaglidingnewbrunswick.com
Ray Toews Woodstock NB (506) 325-9171 pfw
E-Mail: ray@atcon.com
URL: http://personal.nbnet.nb.ca/rayrob/wfc.htm
Burckhard Woelky Mahone Bay NS (902) 634-3735 pfw
Ed Lubitz Bright ONT (519) 684-7686
Fax: (519) 684-7009
E-Mail: elubitz@ionline.net
Kathy Lubitz Bright ONT (519) 684-7686,
Fax: (519) 684-7009
E-Mail: elubitz@ionline.net
David Kyro Geraldton ONT (807) 854-1172
Fax: (807) 854-2468
E-Mail: dkyro@geraldton.lakeheadu.ca
Mike Ryer Ottawa ONT (613) 821-0573 pfw
Nelson Gain Owen Sound ONT (519) 372-1976 pfw
E-Mail: planefun@log.on.ca
Jack Cowan Toronto ONT (905) 252-1305 pfw
(905) 476-9808
Ralph Svendsen Williamstown ONT (613) 347-3924 pfw
E-Mail: nuage@cnwl.igs.net)
URL: http://www.cnwl.igs.net/~nuage
(613) 347-7736 (fax)
Frangois Rivard St-Honori QB (418) 673-7763
If you are a TC licensed ultralight instructor and you want me to add
your name, (or if you know where I can get the complete list!), please
let me know. Thanks!
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Jon N. Steiger / jon@ultralighthomepage.com