Why ultralights? Well, they say a picture is worth a thousand words,
and this one says it ALL!
I created the Ultralight Home Page sometime around Fall 1994.
Why? Because it wasn't there. :-)
I'd been interested in ultralights for well over a decade, but until
the early '90s or so, I didn't even know what they were called. I just knew
that they looked FUN, and that I wanted to have fun too. I discovered
some information on the 'net, and each new piece of information I found led
to more and more info, both on the Internet and in the "real world".
I decided to make it much easier for other people to get information about
ultralights than it was for me. So, with the blessings of Dan Grunloh and
Dave Hempy, I created a WWW page which consisted of Dan's FAQ and a few
files from Dave's FTP site. As I found information from other Internet
and "real world" sources, invented new stuff, and received
ideas and information from feedback, the page grew. Then it grew some more.
And a little more. :-)
As of April 1997, the text, graphics, and information
available on the Ultralight Home Page weighs in at just about 65 megs. This,
of course, doesn't include all the info you can get via the links from
here to other ultralight WWW pages, ftp sites, mailing lists, etc.
I don't claim the Ultralight Home Page to be an all-encompassing source of
information, but it has managed to amass a hefty amount of it, and I've
learned a lot as a result. The page should certainly be more than enough to arm a
newcomer to the sport with an above average amount of information, and point
them in the right direction. Of course, experience is extremely valuable as
well, and there is a fine balance to be maintained. Information alone is not
enough, but the proper interpretation and application of it can lead to
actual experience. If you just realize that you can never know everything,
and never stop learning, you should be just fine. :-)
Some personal info about me? I fly a '96 Kolb FireFly.
(I've got a couple of pics here if you're interested.)
I live in Western New York (state), where there appears to be a bit of
ultralight activity, but none of it organized. Mostly, people fly out of
their back yards and rarely see each other. The best place to go for
ultralights and ultralight information is Dart Airport, in Hartford, NY.
(Beside Mayville, on the tip of Lake Chautauqua.)
Well, I guess thats quite enough rambling for now. :-) I hope you find
the page useful (and hopefully fun as well). I created it for you, so enjoy!! :-)
The Ultralight Home Page...
has been rated a LynxOfTheWeek "10 out of 10". Cool! :-)
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Jon N. Steiger / jon@ultralighthomepage.com