USUA Pilot Registration Program

From: usua3@aol.com
To: ultralight-flight@ms.uky.edu
Date: Wed, 06 Apr 94 23:58:02 EDT
Subject: USUA Airman Program Synopsis
Here is some text that may help on the question regarding instructor
program guidelines. This is a text translation of a chart developed by USUA
to explain the programs. Anyone can get an official language copy of the
program guidelines and other program info by calling USUA, (301) 695-9100
with their request.
Let me know if I can help in any other way,
Michael B
USUA Ultralight Airman Registration Program synopsis:
This program is available to all USUA members who meet the requirements of
the specific registration as follows:
Minimum age: 14 years
Qualifications: Application, Instructor endorsement for solo operations after
minimum 5 hours instruction
Testing: Pre-solo written test
Privileges: May fly dual with qualified USUA Instructor or solo in 1PL with
instructor endorsement
Duration: Valid until Pilot
Fee: $5
PILOT -(Single place only)
Minimum Age: 16 years
Qualifications: 10 hours of instruction, including 3 hours solo in 1 PL, 25
take-offs and landings@
Testing: Written, oral & flight test
Privileges: May fly any 1PL ultralight vehicle in category and class
Duration: unlimited
Fee: $25
Minimum Age: 16 yearsbr>
Qualifications: 40 hours logged flight time, at least 25 hours solo, at
least 35 take-offs and landings
Testing: Written, oral & flight test
Privileges: May fly any 1 PL or 2PL ultralight vehicle in category and
class registered. May carry another person in 2PL***
Duration: 2 years
Fee: $25
Basic Flight Instructor (BFI)
Minimum age: 18 years
Qualifications: 40 hours logged flight time including at least 15 hours
instruction for this rating, FOI written test, endorsement@
Testing: Written, oral and flight test
Privileges: May give dual instruction to Student, Pilot and BFI applicants;
May examine Student and Pilot applicants
Duration: 2 years
Fee: $300*
Advanced Flight Instructor (AFI)
Minimum age: 18 years
Qualifications: Train and endorse 5 BFI applicants, BFI for preceding 6 mo.,
successfully complete AFI seminar
Testing: Written test
Privileges: May give dual flight instruction to BFI and AFI applicants; May
examine BFI applicants
Duration: concurrent with BFI
Fee: $150
@ Pilot and Instructor requirements can be less for FAA certificated pilots
and instructors
*** FAA does not allow 2-seat operations in ultralights for purposes other
than instruction. The USUA program was designed to allow for a separate
2-seat pilot rating if and when the regulatory restrictions are eased.
Registration privileges are cumulative (i.e., AFI has the privileges of BFI,
Pilot and Student
Pilots of two-place vehicles must either sign statement of good health or
possess a current FAA medical certificate
Two-place ultralight training vehicles are defined by FAA Exemption to
conform to FAR Part 103 except they are built for two occupants, may have a
power-off stall speed of not more than 35 knots CAS, and with dry weight of
not more than 496 pounds. Each Instructor must carry an individual
authorization while conducting instruction
Basic Flight Instructor - BFI
Advanced Flight Instructor - AFI
Single-place - 1PL
Two-place - 2PL
Fundamentals of Instruction - FOI
BFI fee includes 24 month full USUA membership (regular $79.90)
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Jon N. Steiger / jon@ultralighthomepage.com