Ultralight/Microlight aircraft specs... United Kingdom

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Notes: Bldg. Materials are: C = composite, M = metal, W = wood, F = fabric,
and T = tubing.
This list is sorted alphabetically by manufacturer.
John Hunt
Old Railway Inn,
Clydach sth,
nr Abergavenny.
Phone: 01873830876
o Huntwing Experience
Span ......................................... 10.36M
Nose Angle .................................. 121
Area ........................................ 15.0 sq m
Max all up weight ........................... 372Kgs
Max level speed .............................. 75 mph
VNE .......................................... 84mph
Stall speed .................................. 34mph
Take off distance at MAUW to clear 15m ....... 140m on grass
Range at average cruising speed .............. 250miles.
- Homebuilt Dual Flexwing.
- A variety of powerplants have been used including
Rotax 447, 503,462,582 and Robin 440.
- This aircraft is available as plans.
- The sail is commercially manufactured
Mainair Sports Ltd
Alma Industrial Estate
Regent Street,
Rochdale, Lancs. OL112 0HQ, England
Tel: 0706-55134 Fax: 0706-31561
o Gemini Mercury:
Max all up weight .................... 370Kg
Max occupant weight .................. 180Kg
Load composition .................... 1 or 2 occupants
Minimum all up weight ............... 234 Kg
Fuel capacity ........................ 9.5 gallons (31Kg)
Stall speed at min load .............. 25Mph (80ft height loss)
Stall speed at max load .............. 28Mph (90 ft height loss)
Stall height loss at 30deg ........... 80Ft
Cruise speed ......................... 49Mph
VNE (Never exceed speed) ............. 89Mph
Min approach speed ................... 42Mph
Landing run at max load .............. 230Meter (over 15 meter obstacle)
Take of run at max load .............. 181Meter
Climb rate at max weight ............. 130M/min (400fpm)
Climb rate at min load ............... 300M/min (1000fpm)
Max wind operating cond .............. 21Mph
Max crosswind conditions ............. 10Mph
Power off rate of descent ............ 167M/min approx (500fpm)
Engine options .........................Rotax 503 or 582
Medway Microlights
USA contact: (612) 730-0414
o Raven Wing
VNE ........................... 100mph
Cruise ........................ 60-65mph
Stall ......................... 34mph
Stressed to: .................. +6g / -3g
Built from: ................... Tubing and stainless steel fittings
Wing Material: ................ Dacron
Engine Options: ............... Rotax 447 and 503
Fuel Capacity: ................ 50 litres max.
Prices ........................ Start from $9,000 for the "Budget Raven"
plus shipping from the UK factory.
Notes ......................... The Raven was the first microlight to fly
the Atlantic piloted by Eppo Numann. The
Raven has been extensively used on
expedition flights. One such expedition
that has been made into a film and can be
rented at Blockbuster is the National
Geographic film titled "Icelandic
Adventure", in the US.
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Jon N. Steiger / jon@ultralighthomepage.com