Ultralight / Microlight Clubs

- UlM Baisy-Thy
- Address:
- Quatre Bras de Baisy-Thy
- 1740 Genappe
- Coordinates:
- 50=B034'10" N 04=B026'10" E
- Airstrip:
- 350 * 40 m 14/32 Grass
- Phone:
- +32/67/78.02.47
- Contact:
- Roland Coddens
- Av Du Parc,35B
- 1310 La Hulpe
- Phone:
- +32/02/653.08.32
- Fax:
- +32/02/653.42.73
- Activities:
- Flight instruction on trikes and 3-axis,renting, sales and
repairs of trikes( Air Creation) and 3-axis (Aviasud: Mistral and
Albatros,see pictures on this site).
- e-mail contact:
- Alex on 100136.2032@compuserve.com
Back to the Ultralight home page
Jon N. Steiger / jon@ultralighthomepage.com