Ultralight / Microlight Clubs

The Western Cape Microlight Club: This club is one of the oldest and strongest
in the country, and has now been going for 10 years, and has an active
membership of 115 pilots, most of whom fly in the Western Cape.
Regular meetings are held at the clubhouse on the last Wednesday of every
month, with an average attendance of 50 members. A monthly newsletter is
circulated, and their pub even shows a profit every month!
These southerners got sick and tired of mountains and wind in 1991, and
organized the first Kalahari Desert Bundu Bash (literally, as one of then flew
into a donkey - and them swore blind that the donkey must have been at 200
feet AGL). This has become a popular annual event, and the next one will be
held in June 1996. Contact the club for details.
Club chairman is Charl Starke -
- Address:
- P.O. Box 96
- Durbanville, 7550
- South Africa
- Home Page:
- www.wcmc.co.za
- E-Mail:
- cstarke@aztec.co.za
- Tel: 021-963060
Many thanks to Barry Culligan (otto@icon.co.za) for the above info!
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Jon N. Steiger / jon@ultralighthomepage.com