The Ultralight / Microlight Contact Resource

September 10, 1996
This file is an attempt to consolidate as many ultralight/microlight
addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers, etc. as possible into one, easy to
access place. I've organized them by country, then by the type of service,
then alphabetically. (Type of service could be manufacturing, distribution,
insurance, etc.) I make no guarantees as to the accuracy of this information,
errors are likely to crop up, and it is by no means complete, so if you have
any corrections, additions, deletions, or whatever, by all means, send them to
me at jon@ultralighthomepage.com. Originally, I only listed the addresses and the
phone numbers, but I decided that this wasn't enough. I don't have a whole
lot of time to dedicate to this, so I settled on adding another field to
each company named "Brief". This will be a short 1 or 2 line description
of what the company manufacturers or sells, etc. Please note that (especially
in the case of distributors), I cannot possibly begin to cover everything
that they carry. If you don't see it here, that doesn't mean they don't
sell it. Just about all distributors carry about the same stuff anyway...
If you want a better idea of what a distributor sells, I'd suggest picking
up a copy of your favorite ultralight magazine and looking for their ad. (Either
that or contact them to get a catalog.)
Note: Many of the aircraft made by manufacturers listed in this resource
can be found in the Aircraft Specs section,
which will give you some more detailed info about each individual aircraft.
Here's hoping that a few people will find this thing helpful... :-) -Jon
Aircraft Manufacturers:
Austflight Aviation
PO Box 84
Boonah, Qld
Phone 61-74-63-2755
FAX 61-74-63-2987
Brief: 2 seats tandem. Open, with small windshield. Dacron high
wing, pusher prop. Originally based on the US Hummer, but
now strut braced and with Rotax 582 64HP donc. Optional 75HP.
618 available. 55/60 kts. Over 500 sold. Used extensively
for training and property inspection in the inland of Oz,
where stations can be 100km apart.
Australian Lightwing
Ballina Airport
Southern Cross Drive
Ballina, NSW
Phone 61-66-86-8658
FAX 61-66-86-8343
Brief: 2 seats. Tubular metal fuse, fabric wing, fully enclosed.
Taildragger, high wing. Around 55 kts. available with Rotax
582 or 912.
Jabiru Aircraft
PO Box 5186
Bundaberg West, Qld
Phone 61-71-55-1778
FAX 61-71-55-2669
Brief: Modern 2 seater, fully enclosed. Highwing all-composite.
Trigear. Looks like a small Cessna 152. Does 90 kts.
2 stage flaps. Lands at 60 kts. Registerable either as an
ultralight under 101.55 or as a GA with VH numbering.
Originally used Rotax 582, then KFM, but now has its own
4 cyl 1.6 litre donc. Alternative 6 cyl available soon.
Moyes Microlites Pty. Ltd.
2-4 Taylor St.
Waverley 2024 N.S.W.
02/387-5114 U.S.
fax: 61.2387.4472
Brief: Dragonfly
Thruster Aircraft
Hangar 1
Evans Head, NSW
Phone 61-66-82-5230
FAX 61-66-82-4159
Brief: 2 seats Dacron wing, underslung pod, open at sides, 50 kts
Earliest of certified two-seaters, bit dated now, but cheap
and very rugged. Many people learned in these.
U.S. AirBorne Edge
AirBorne Windsports Pty.
22/30 Kalaroo Road
Redhead, New South Wales, Australia 2290
Phone: (049) 499-199
Fax: (049) 499-395
Brief: U.S. AirBorne Edge 2 seater
Aerochute Nsw
44 Anembo crescent
Kiama Heights, NSW
Phone: 042 331222
Fax: 042 331389
Brief: A recently established business offering sales and training
for Aerochutes.
Holbrook Light Aircraft and Ultralights (Bill Sullivan)
PO Box 49
Holbrook, NSW
Phone: 61-60-36-2844
Brief: RANS aircraft kits. Put together under 101.28, and must be
done 51% by owner (ie no commercial production under this
"Homebuilt" category). After acceptance can be placed on
AUF register with 28 prefix or on GA register with VH
number. Cannot be hired out or used for commercial use if
under 101.28, but can be used to train owner(s). A very
attractive range of planes.
Quicksilver Aircraft Australia.
Cresco Park
Midland Hwy.
Stanhope, Vic
Phone: 61-58-57-2455
Brief: Sells GT500 kit under 101.28. Nice, but rare.
There are also quite a few MXL2s in Oz which meet 101.55,
and are therefore usable for training/commercial hire, so
they must be fully built under factory conditions,
presumably by this bloke. I've flown one and they are pretty
primitive by modern standards, mostly fabric and wire, and
pedestrian in performance.
Aerofibre Industries
17 Swan St.
Beerwah, Qld
Phone and FAX: 61-7-5494-6608
Brief: Carbon fibre props in 2,3 and 4 blade versions under
brand name "Brolga"(name of large Oz bird like stork).
Extensively fitted to locally produced planes.
Ground adjustable by interchangeable pitch blocks.
Superb performance as compared to wooden props, and very
Aircraft Manufacturers:
Av Faustino Ramalho 808, Jd. V. Galvão
Guarulhos - SP BRASIL CEP 07054-040
Phone/fax: (011) 208-4520
E-mail: trike.icaros@dialdata.com.br
U.L.M. Cosmos International Inc.
1439, rang du Cordon
Richelieu, Quebec, Canada
J3L 4A7
Phone: (514) 447-6580
Brief: Canadian distributor for COSMOS, instructor on staff.
John Armstrong
2249 Valleyview Dr
Kamloops, British Colombia
Canada V2C 4C8
Phone: 1 250 314 0065 phone
Fax: 1 250 214 1065 fax
E-Mail: chutes@mail.net.netshop
Brief: Distributor of powerparachutes; parts,assembly and intructions
Aircraft Manufacturers:
905 Kal Lake Rd.
Vernon, BC V1T 6V4
(604)549-1102 fax: (604)549-7111
Brief: Chinook Plus 2
Aces High Light Aircraft Ltd.
R.R. #1
London, Ontario N6A 4B5
(519)652-3020 fax: same
Brief: Renegade II, Renegade Spirit, Maverick
Murphy Aircraft Mfg. Ltd.
8880-C Young Rd. S.
Chilliwack, B.C. V2P 4P5
(604)792-5855 fax: (604)792-7006
Brief: ?
Clubs and Organizations:
The Aviation Club of Mantsala (Mantsalan Ilmailukerho ry)
Viljo Levela
Phone: +358-15-6883004
Fax: same
Brief: Largest ultralight club in Finland. 100 members, 30 planes,
land and water training available. Most of the aircraft are
Rans Coyotes, Murphy Renegades, Ikarus Foxes, Beavers, and Kolb
Mark II's and III's.
Aircraft Manufacturers:
Junqua-Diffusion Internationale
Ibis RJ.03
c/o S.C.A.M.
69 rue Garibaldi
94100 Saint-Maur
33/4283-4579 fax: 33/4283-6500
Brief: ?
Aircraft Manufacturers:
REMOS Aircraft GmbH
Waldweg 1, D-85283 Eschelbach, GERMANY
Tel. (+49) 8442 96770
Fax: (+49) 8442 967796
URL: http://www.remos.com
eMail: REMOS@compuserve.com
Brief: GEMINI ultra, REMOS G3 "Mirage": Full-composite 2-seaters (UL+VLA),
fully enclosed. Folding High wing. Rotax 912. Trailer.
Aeronautica SAL-Via Caronni:
5000119 Ostia Antica-Roma
Brief: Condor
Clubs and Organizations:
Driesen School of skyryders
Lelystad Airport
52.27.38 NL, 5.31.30 EL
Radio 123.825
Contact person: Eddy. Driessen
Tel: (31) 320 288601
Brief: ?
Lelystad Airport
52.27.38 NL, 5.31.30 EL
Radio 123.825
Contact person: Daan van Leeuwen
Tel: (31) 320 288750
Brief: ?
ULV Brabant
Den Bosch (Variabel Field)
Contact person: Oscar Ruiters / Jan de Laat
Tel: (31) 4116 76913
Brief: ?
ULV Fryslan
Variabel Field
Contact person: Allan van der Laan
Tel: (31) 511 476308
Brief: ?
De Kempen
51.27.30 NL, 5.23.00 EL
Contact person: Jaq Gootjes
Tel: (31) 040 2440097
Brief: ?
Maasvlakte Rotterdam
51.28.31 NL, 4.01.07 EL
Radio 123.425
Contact person: Jan van Geest
Tel: (31) 181 312286
Brief: ?
Twentse ultra lichte vliegclub
52.25.00 NL, 6.42.00 EL
Contact person: Ge Veldhuis
Tel: (31) 5490 16155
Brief: ?
ULV Vereniging Westerwolde
52.59.46 NL, 7.01.13 EL
Radio 123.425
Contact person: Georg Dijk
Tel: (31)596-626235
E-Mail: sdugron@euronet.nl
Brief: ?
Clubs and Organizations:
BOP Microlight Club
Tauranga Airport
Bay of Plenty
New Zealand
Phone: 07 574 7973 - (Club) Colin Alexander
Clubs and Organizations:
Østfold Mikroflyklubb
1820 Spydeberg
Fax: 22 64 07 80
E-mail: rone@oslonett.no
Clubs and Organizations:
The British Microlight Aircraft Association
The Bullring,
OX15 0TT
Phone: (0)1869 38888
Fax: (0)1869 37116
Brief: Represents UK microlight pilots
Microlight Scotland
Cumbernauld Airport,
Duncan McIntosh Road,
Near Glasgow, G68 0HH
Phone: (+44) 797 997 1301
URL: http://www.microlightscotland.com
eMail: fly@microlightscotland.com
Brief: Weightshift/trike microlight training school in central Scotland.
Ultraflight Aviation Ltd,
Roddige Lane,
WS13 8QS,
Phone: 01283 792193 or (mobile) 0468 636153
URL: http://www.powernet.co.uk/html/userwebs/biker/page2.html
Brief: Flexwing training. resident inspector. etc...
Aircraft Manufacturers:
Mainair Sports Ltd
Alma Industrial Estate
Regent Street,
Rochdale, Lancs. OL112 0HQ, England
Phone: 0706-55134
Fax: 0706-31561
Brief: Blade, Gemini Flash II Alpha, Gemini Mercury
Pegasus Aviation
Elm Tree Park,
Manton, Marlborough, Wiltshire,
Phone: +44 (0)1672 861578
Fax: +44 (0)1672 861550
E-Mail: pegasus@cccp.net
Clubs and Organizations:
Phantom/Flightstar Pilot's Association (Hurricane & Spitfire too)
PO Box 270
Tabernash, CO 80478
970 887-2207
970 887-2197 fax
Brief: Type club, Phantom Driver Magazine
Quicksilver Pilot's Association
PO Box 270
Tabernash, CO 80478
970 887-2207
970 887-2197 fax
Brief: Type club, Quicksilver Magazine
United States Ultralight Association, Inc.
16192 Coastal Highway
Lewes, DE 19958
(717) 339-0200, Monday - Friday, 9-4 CST, excluding holidays.
Brief: THE oldest and largest US ultralight organization.
(See also the seperate list of USUA Clubs and AOOA Flight Parks.)
Airstar Discount Sales
2251 Shady Willow Lane
Brentwood, CA 94513
Phone: 1-800-AIR-STAR (1-800-247-7827) (Orders only)
Phone: (510)516-1186 (Customer Service)
Fax: (510)516-1188
Brief: wheels, tires, instrument, fuel tanks, props, etc.
1845 Henry Avenue
South St. Paul, MN 55075
Phone: (612)457-7491
Fax: (612)457-8651
Brief: Ballistic recovery systems
California Power Systems, Inc.
790 139th Ave #4
San Leandro, CA 94578
Phone: 1-800-AIRWOLF (orders)
Phone: (510)357-2403 (Information)
Phone: (510)357-8192 (Tech Support)
Fax: (510)357-4429 (Information)
Brief: Instruments, Rotax, etc.
Colorado Unlimited Adventure Group
P.O. Box 100
Tumacacori, AZ 85640
Phone: (520)398-8311
Brief: Most UL products and 2 cycle engine service center at competitive prices. Technical info anytime.
Comtronics Engineering, LTD.
62 County J Box 146
Almond, Wisconsin 54909-0146
Phone: (715)366-7093
Fax: (715)366-7091
Brief: Intercom systems
Hegar Manufacturing, Inc.
15600 SE For Mor Court
Clackamas, OR 97015
Phone: (503)659-1234
Brief: Makers of brakes, axles, etc.
Leading Edge Air Foils, Inc.
Meadowlake Airport
8242 Cessna Dr.
Peyton CO 80831
Phone: (719)683-5323
Brief: Instruments, parachutes, communication, Rotax, etc.
Lockwood Aviation Supply, Inc.
280 Hendricks Way
Sebring, FL 33879
Phone: (941)655-5100
Phone: 1-800-LA-ROTAX (1-800-52-76829) (Orders only)
Fax: (941)655-6225
Brief: Rotax, kits, instruments, etc.
Microflight Products, Inc.
16141-6 Pine Ridge Road
Fort Myers, FL 33908
Phone: 1-800-247-6955 (Orders)
Phone: (941)454-6464 (Information)
Phone: (941)454-5164 (Tech Support)
Fax: (941)454-6652
Brief: Instruments, navigation, intercoms, etc.
Midstate Ultralight Aircraft, Inc.
5398 1st Road
Lake Worth, FL 33467
Phone: (407)969-7719
Fax: (407)969-9936
Brief: Challenger, Titan, floats, propellers, Hirth, Rotax, etc.
Hangar 1
Linden/Price Airport
Linden, MI 48451
Phone: 1-800-AIR-STUFF (1-800-247-7883) (Orders)
Phone: (810)735-9433 (Tech support/catalogs)
Fax: (810)735-1078 (Tech support/catalogs)
Home Page: http://www.usaol.com/YP/aviation/SkySports_International.html
Brief: Instruments, navigation, headseats, strobes, etc.
South Mississippi Light Aircraft
1279 Marshall Smith Road
Lucedale, MS 39452
Phone: 1-800-AIR-SMLA (1-800-247-7652) (Parts and Sales)
Phone: (601)947-4953 (Customer Service)
Fax: (601)947-4959
Brief: Quicksilver, Rotax, etc.
Sport Copter Int'l, Inc.
34012 N. Honeyman Rd.
Scappoose, OR 97056
Phone: (503)543-7000
Fax: (503)543-7041
Brief: Propellers, new 4-cycle engines.
Tennessee Propellers, Inc.
125 Deerfield Drive
Normandy, TN 37360
Phone: (615)455-4516
Phone: (615)455-1247
Phone: 1-800-755-4516 (orders only)
Fax: (615)455-1309
Brief: Zenoah engines, maple propellers.
Tri-State Kite Sales
Mark Smith
1121 N. Locust
Mt. Vernon, IN 47620
Phone: 812-838-6351
E-Mail: trikite@comsource.net
URL: http://www.comsource.net/~trikite
Brief:Quicksilver Parts, Upgrades & Modifications
The Ultralight Flight Center
John Kemmeries (Owner/Operator)
8710 W. Carefree Hwy.
Peoria, Arizona 85383
Phone: 623-566-8068
Fax: 623-561-2287
Brief: The Arizona Sportplanes & Ultralight Flight Center offers fixed wing and trike aircraft sales, flight instruction, Rotax repair by mail, and online product sales and information on everything you ever wanted to know about sport aviation.
Home Page: http://www.KemmeriesAviation.com
Aircraft Manufacturers:
Aero Dovron, Inc.
420 US Highway 1, No. 15-U
North Palm Beach, FL 33408-2238
Brief: MiniStraton D-7
AeroLites, Inc.
12104 David Rd.
Welsh, LA 70591
(318)734-3865 fax: same
Brief: Bearcat
Air Command International, Inc.
702 Cooper Dr. P.O. Box 1345
Wylie, TX 75098
(214)442-6694 fax: (214)442-9174
Brief: Commander 503, Commander 582, Commander Tandem 1000
Air Creation U.S.A.
8710 W. Carefree Hwy.
Peoria, AZ 85383
623-566-8026 fax: 623-561-2287
Brief: Fun Racer 447, XP15 GT 503
Air Magic Ultralights
Hangar 594, Ellingston Airfield
Houston, TX 77034
(713)482-8124 fax: (713)484-0005
Brief: Spitfire, Spitfire II, Spitfire Super Sport
Aircraft Designs, Inc.
5 Harris Ct. Bldg. S
Monterey, CA 93940
(408)649-6212 fax: (408)649-5738
Brief: Bumble Bee
American Sportscopter, Inc.
875 Middle Ground Blvd.
Newport News, VA 23606
(804)873-4914 fax: (804)873-3711
Brief: Ultrasport 254, Ultrasport 331
Arnet Pereyra Aero Design
500 Barnes Blvd.
Rockledge, FL 32955
(407)635-8005 fax: same
Brief: Aventura
Bowdler Aviation, Inc.
1370 Howell Rd.
Beavercreek, OH 45434-6828
Brief: Supercat
Bright Star Gliders, Inc.
48 Barham Ave.
Santa Rosa, CA 95407
(707)576-7627 fax: same
Brief: Swift
British School of Paragliding
P.O. Box 50382
Henderson, NV 89016-0382
(702)896-6000 fax: (702)436-0634
Brief: ?
Ken Brock Mfg.
11852 Western Ave.
Stanton, CA 90680
(714)898-4366 fax: (714)894-0811
Brief: KB-2, KB-3
Buckeye Powered Parachute, Inc.
16111 Linden Rd.
Argos, IN 46501
(219)892-5566 fax: (219)892-6907
e-mail: buckchute@aol.com
Brief: Buckeye Eagle 447 and 503, Buckeye Dream Machine 503 and 582
Butterfly Aero
1333 Garrard Creek Rd.
Oakville, WA 98568
(206)273-9202 fax: (206)273-5082
Brief: Banty
Carlson Aircraft, Inc.
50643 S.R. 14
East Palestine, OH 44413-0088
(216)426-3934 fax: (216)426-1144
Brief: Sparrow Ultralight
CGS Aviation
P.O. Box 470635
Broadview Heights, OH 44147
(216)632-1424 fax: (216)632-1207
Brief: Hawk Classic, Hawk Arrow, Hawk II Arrow, Ag-Hawk
8710 Carefree Hwy.
Peoria, AZ 85382
Brief: Chronos 16 Bi Phase II, Echo 12, Magnum 21 Bidlum
DFE Ultralights
RD 1, P.O. Box 185
Vanderbilt, PA 15486
(412)529-0450 fax: (412)529-0596
Brief: Ascender III-A, III-B, III-C
Early Bird Aircraft Co.
125 Stearman Ct.
Erie, CO 80516
Brief: Jenny
Earthstar Aircraft
Star Rte. P.O. Box 313-KP
Santa Margarita, CA 93453
Brief: Thunder Gull J
3393 N. Milbrook
Fresno, CA 93726
Brief: CH-7 Angel
Falcon East
155 Oscawana Lake Road
Putnam Valley, NY 10579
(914) 528-8940 voice/fax
E-Mail: Fithian1@aol.com
Brief: Peregrine Falcon
Ferguson Aircraft, Inc.
2431 Ferguson Pl.
Dallas, GA 30132
Brief: Ferguson F-2
Fisher Aero Corp.
7118 State Route 335
Portsmouth, OH 45662
(614)820-2219 fax: same
Brief: Avenger, Avenger V
Fisher Flying Products
P.O. Box 468
Edgeley, ND 58433
(701)493-2286 fax:(701)493-2539
Brief: FP-303, FP-202 Koala, Super Koala, FP-404 EXP, FP-505,
FP-606 Sky Baby, Classic
Flightstar, Inc.
P.O. Box 760
Ellington, CT 06029
(203) 875-8185
(203) 870-5499
Brief: Flightstar II, Flightstar IISL, Formula, Spyder
Glider Sport
23114 Joaquin Ridge Dr.
Murrietta, CA 92562
Brief: Apex
Golden Circle Air, Inc.
10 Ellefson Dr.
De Soto, IA 50111
(515)834-2225 fax: (515)834-2152
Brief: T-Bird I, T-Bird Side-by-Side
Higher Planes, Inc.
P.O. Box 4
Dover, KS 66420
Brief: Mitchell Wing A-10
Hinchman Aircraft Co.
P.O. Box 56
Monrovia, IN 46157
(317)996-3157 fax:(317)996-3148
Brief: H-1 Racer
Hipp's Superbirds, Inc.
P.O. Box 266
Saluda, NC 28773
(704)749-9134 fax: (704)749-3986
Brief: J-3 Kitten, J-5 Super Kitten, J-4 Sportster, Super Sportster,
Howland Aero Designs
333 E. Highbanks Rd. No. 22
Debary, FL 32713
(407)668-2216 fax: (407)668-2217
Brief: H-2 Honey-Bee, H-3 Pegasus
Hurricane Co. Inc.
23055 Airport Rd. N.E.
Aurora, OR 97002
Brief: Hurricane
8710 Carefree Hwy.
Peoria, AZ 85382
Brief: Tukan
Keuthan Aircraft
910 Airport Rd.
Merritt Island, FL 32952
Brief: Sabre I, Sabre II, Zephyr II, Buccaneer SX, Buccaneer II
Kolb Company, Inc.
R.D. 3, P.O. Box 38
Phoenixville, PA 19460
E-Mail: DLSOUDER@aol.com
Brief: FireStar I, II, FireFly, Mark III
Light Miniature Aircraft
19695 NW 80th Dr.
Okeechobee, FL 34972
(941) 467-0933
Brief: LM-1A, LM1-2P, LM-1X, LM-2X, LM-3X
Loehle Aircraft Corp.
Shipmans Creek Rd.
Wartrace, TN 37183
(615)857-3419 fax: (615)857-3908
Brief: Loehle Sport Parasol
Laron Aviation Technologies, Inc
P.O. Box 5026
Borger, TX 79008-5026
Phone: (806)273-8513
Fax: (806)273-8375
Brief: Wizard
Marske Aircraft Corp.
975 Loire Valley Dr.
Marion OH 43302
Brief: Marske Monarch F
Jim Maupin, Ltd.
24201 Rowel Ct.
Tehachapi, CA 93561
Brief: Carbon Dragon
Mountaineer Trikes
P.O. Box 557, Finkle Rd.
Millerton, NY 12546
(518)789-6550 fax: (518)789-6775
Brief: Mountaineer Mite Lite, Mountaineer Dual 175
Moyes Microlites Pty. Ltd.
1805 Dean Still Rd.
Davenport, FL 33837
Brief: ?
Paramarketing, Inc.
9 Audrey Ave.
Oyster Bay, NY 11771
(516)922-1032 fax: same
Brief: Paramotor
ParaPlane Corp.
68 Stacy Haines Rd.
Medford, NJ 08055
(609)261-1234 fax: (609)261-9116
Brief: ParaPlane PM-2, PSE-2
ParaPower International
21051 Oxnard St. No. 32
Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Brief: DEFI-210
Parascender Technologies, Inc.
828 N. Hoagland Blvd.
Kissimmee, FL 34741-4518
(407)935-0775 fax: (407)935-0778
Brief: Parascender I, II HP, II XHP, Para-Ag
Nancy Peris
149 S. Eastland Dr.
Lancaster, PA 17602
Brief: JN-1
Phantom Aircraft Company
6154 West G' Avenue
Kalamazoo, Michigan 49009 Dept. C.
(616) 375-0505 fax: (616) 375-0551
Brief: Phantom X1, X2
Don Pietenpol
1604 Meadow Circle S.E.
Rochester, MN 55904-5251
Brief: Sky Scout
Preceptor Aircraft Corp.
1230 Shepard St.
Hendersonville, NC 28792
(704)697-8284 fax: (704)696-3739
Brief: N-3 Pup
Quad City Ultralight Aircraft Corp.
3810 34th Street
P. O. Box 370
Moline, IL 61266-0370
Phone: (309)764-3515
FAX: (309)762-3920
E-mail daveatqcu@aol.com
Brief: Challenger UL, Special, II, II Special
Quicksilver Enterprises, Inc.
P.O. Box 1572
Temecula, CA 92593
(909)676-6886 fax: (909)676-4883
Brief: Quicksilver MX Sprint, MX Sport, MX II Sprint, MXL II Sport,
GT 400, GT 500
2331 Dodgeville Rd.
Rome, OH 44085
Brief: Skylite
RagWing/Roger Mann
RagWing Avaition
Box 39 Tokena Airpark
Townville, SC 29698-0039
(864) 972-5606
Brief: RagWing, Ragwing Special
Rans Co.
4600 Highway 183 Alternate
Hays, KS 67601
(913)625-6346 fax: (913)625-2795
Brief: RANS S-4/5 Coyote
Rotor-Wings & Flying Machines
10405 Button Quail
Austin, TX 78758-5032
Brief: Flaglor Scooter
Sabre Aircraft, Inc.
1001 W. Monona Dr.
Phoenix, AZ 85027
(602)582-6308 fax: (602)582-6688
Brief: Sabre
Ron Sands
89 Forrest Rd.
Mertztown, PA 19539
(610)682-6788 fax: same
Brief: Primary Glider, 1929
Six-Chuter, Inc.
2925 So. Wiley
Yakima, WA 98903
Brief: Skye-Ryder Aerochute, Aerochute 2
SnoBird Aircraft, Inc.
8850 SW State Hiway 3, Ste 108
Fort Orchard, WA 98366
(206)674-2497 fax: (206)232-9624
Brief: Exciter 503S, Charger 582S, Stealth Charger 582SE
Sorrell Aircraft Co. Ltd.
16525 Tilley Rd. S.
Tenino, WA 98589
(206)264-2866 fax: (206)264-2154
Brief: Hiperlight SNS-8, EXP SNS-8, Guppy SNS-2
Sport Copter Int'l, Inc.
34012 N. Honeyman Rd.
Scappoose, OR 97056
(503)543-7000 fax: (503)543-7041
Brief: Lightning, Vortex
St. Croix Aircraft
5957 Seville St.
Lake Oswego, OR 97034
Brief: Excelsior Ultralight
TEAM, Inc.
10790 Ivy Bluff Rd. K
Bradyville, TN 37026
(615)765-5397 fax: (615)765-7234
Brief: Air-Bike, 1030R Max 103, 1100R Mini Max, 1200Z Open Cockpit,
1300Z Enclosed Cockpit, 1400Z Hi-Max, 1500R Open Cockpit,
1550V V-MAX, 1600R Enclosed Cockpit, 1700R Hi-Max, EROS
Titan Aircraft
2730 Walter Main Rd.
Geneva, OH 44041
(216)466-0602 fax: (216)466-7550
Brief: Tornado UL 103, Tornado Sport
Two Wings Aviation
6821 167th Ave.
Forest Lake, MN 55025
Brief: Mariner UL, Mariner EXP, Mariner Mono UL, Mariner Mono EXP
US Aviation
265 Echo Lane
South St. Paul, MN 55075
(612)450-0930 fax: same
Brief: Cloud Dancer, Cumulus
Volmer Aircraft
P.O. Box 5222
Glendale, CA 91201
Brief: SunFun VJ24W
P.O. Box 511-GN
Fallston, MD 21047
(410)337-0212 fax: (410)692-5902
URL: http://www.webcom.com/neatstuf/helio
Brief: MEG-2XH, G-1B, Kestrel, Skylark I
Weedhopper, Inc.
P.O. Box 1377
Clinton, MS 39056
Brief: Weedhopper DeLuxe Ultralight
Zenith Aircraft Co.
P.O. Box 650
Mexico, MO 65265
(314)581-9000 fax: (313)581-0011
Brief: Zenair CH 701 STOL
Inland Paraflite, Inc.
Apple Valley, California
(760) 242-3FLY (242-3359)
Brief: ParaPlane International dealer
Box 1, South Main
Belvidere, KS 67015
Phone 1-800-309-BING (1-800-309-2464)
Phone: (316)862-5699
Phone: (316)862-5808 (Tech Support)
Phone: (316)862-5699
Brief: Carbs
- A newsletter for Bobcat and Supercat builders.
Yearly dues are $12.00 and there are four or
five issues per year, depending on content.
As of September 1996, there were 89 subscribers
and it is still growing.
- The writer/publisher is Ken Davies, who can be
e-mailed at kenneth@netspaceonline.com.
2502 N. Rocky Point
Suite 1000
Tampa FL 33607
Phone: 800-526-5355
Ultralight Flying! Magazine
P.O. Box 6009
Chattanooga, TN 37401-9981
Phone: (423) 629-5375
Fax: (423) 629-5379
Brief: Ultralight/Microlight monthly mazazine
Back to the Ultralight Home Page
Jon N. Steiger / jon@ultralighthomepage.com