Ultralight / Microlight Friendly Airfields / Airports

If you have a map of or info about an Ultralight / Microlight "friendly"
airfield you would like to contribute, send it to me and I'll gladly include
it. Info about how to send such things to me can be found via the
"Help me to make this page better" link,
off the main page.
- UlM Baisy-Thy
- Quatre Bras de Baisy-Thy
1740 Genappe
- 50=B034'10" N 04=B026'10" E
- 350 * 40 m 14/32 Grass
- +32/67/78.02.47
- Flight instruction on trikes and 3-axis,renting, sales and
repairs of trikes( Air Creation) and 3-axis (Aviasud: Mistral and
Albatros,see pictures on this site).
e-mail contact:
Alex on 100136.2032@compuserve.com
The Netherlands:
- Lelystad Airport
- 52.27.38 NL, 5.31.30 EL
- Radio 123.825
- Info courtesy of E. F. Heck (heck@worldaccess.nl).
- Budel
- 51.15.00 NL, 5.36.00 EL
- Info courtesy of E. F. Heck (heck@worldaccess.nl).
- Ontswedde/Stadskanaal
- 52.59.46 NL, 7.01.13 EL
- Radio 123.425
- Info courtesy of E. F. Heck (heck@worldaccess.nl).
- Maasvlakte/Rotterdam
- 51.28.31 NL, 4.01.07 EL
- Info courtesy of E. F. Heck (heck@worldaccess.nl).
- Myrer Mikroflyplass.
- 1820 Spydeberg
Fax: 22 63 08 40
E-mail: rone@oslonett.no
- We currently have 10 weightshifts and 1 three axis. We are
located 30 km south east of Oslo.Planes can be rented,and we
have 3 instructors on weight shift. We have two airfield N/S
and E/W. Both are approximately 300 m. Guests are allowed to
stay over night in our clubhouse, free of charge. Scandinavian
readers can read more about us at
- Info courtesy of Karstein Røhen
United Kingdom:
- ASI Microlight Flying Club.
- A 4 runway airstrip located between March and Chatteris.
United States of America:
Note: For some airports, you can click on the
logo to pull up the information on that airport from the
AirNav web site. Try it, you'll like it. ;-)
- THE ULTRALIGHT FLIGHT CENTER: Located in North Phoenix, Arizona area.
- (Operators: Ed Snyder; U.S. Power Sports & John Kemmeries; Kemmeries
- Address: 3710 W. Carefree Hwy. Peoria, AZ 85382
- Phone: 602-566-8026 e-mail: pwrsports@ix.netcom.com
- Aircraft dealers for: Rans, Quicksilver, Air Creation, Comos, Tucan,
Antares, AirBorn
- Used aircraft sales: Check with us, it's always changing
- Flight instruction: Five instructors for fixed wing & Trikes, (USUA/ASC,
- Aircraft rentals: Fixed wing & trikes for advanced flight instruction
- Rotax service center: Engine sales and repair
- Accessories: All popular accessories, avionics & BRS parachutes
- On-site accommodations: Bunk house, trailer park & pilots lounge with
big screen TV
- Associates: FAA/CFI Tailtragger endorsements, fly the Super Cub. FAA
Sail plane instruction
- Fly in the beautiful remote Arizona desert off three runways, experience
fishing & jet skiing on adjacent Lake Pleasent. Ride four wheel quads, go
trap & target shooting, we have it all!
- Info courtesy of Ed Snyder (pwrsports@ix.netcom.com)
- Byron Airport (Between Stockton and Livermoore east of
Altamont Pass (Lots of windmills) and
just west of a large lake.)
- Two runways. I don't know the pattern altitudes but
you can reach the airfield by following highway four out
of Stockton. Just past Discovery Bay Marina look to the
south and you will see the airport. There is an ultralight
dealer there and they provide ultralight and ultralight
float plane training at the field.
Winds are sometimes tricky in the late afternoon and can
often be 25mph gusting to 35. This airfield is located on
the southern part of the heart of the California Delta where
the Sacramento and San Juaquin Rivers meet and go through
Suisan Bay to San Francisco Bay and the sea.
Flying west of Byron too far will put you in a TCA (Class
B and C airspace.) There is also a restricted airspace over
Lawrence Livermore Laboratories to the west of the field.
There is great flying around the 1,000 miles of waterways
in the area. Morning flights during the summer are terrific.
They recently put in a new runway, longer and wider by quite a
bit. They removed the old "jump club" runway. There is
a gas truck on the field but no eating places. It's a long
jaunt into town if you've a mind to go exploring on the
ground. Watch the high power lines a couple of miles on
each side of the runway.
- Info courtesy of Ron Blaylock
- Lodi, California. (located between Stockton and Sacramento on Highway 99)
Two runways. Lots of ultralights. Jump club on
the field. Ultralights are requested to use the cross
runway when wind conditions permit. There is a full time
ultralight instructor on the field with aircraft, sometimes
spare parts if needed, and plenty of knowledge. I see
Challengers, Beavers, Quicksilvers, Flight Stars, and many
other ultralights there every weekend.
The main runway is right hand traffic when headed west,
left hand traffic when landing east. Since there are two
runways, the traffic pattern is set to avoid overflying
the second runway on all patterns. There are two wind
socks and a traffic pattern indicator on the field. Overfly
at 1,600 feet to avoid the GA traffic pattern.
Watch for parachutes and the jump planes taking off in one
direction and landing in the other (downwind.)
- Info courtesy of Ron Blaylock
- Turlock, California.
There is an airpark just west of hiway 99.
It is composed mainly of ultralights and has Fletcher's
Aviation on the field. Many ultralighter's are there almost
every weekend. The field is not to be confused with the
Turlock metro airfield which is about five or six miles
away to the east if I remember correctly. There is food and
mini markets within walking distance (about a 1/4 mile or
so) and there is an ultralight club that uses the field.
You are asked not to taxi or land on the R/C flying club
runway which is right next to the main runway. There is a
displaced thresehold and ultralights are requested to
maintain an 800 foot pattern altitude. The pattern is
usually left hand traffic.
- Info courtesy of Ron Blaylock
- Bennett, Colorado
- Logan Field
N 39 51.45
W 104 23.82
Denver Sectional 96CO
50415 E 88th Ave
Bennett, CO
- Watkins, Colorado
- 4 runways, the largest of which is 1600 ft.
10 miles south of Denver International.
Falcon VOR 116.3 0.75 mi. East.
Contact Mr. Al Grimm (303)364-4520.
- Map (75K) courtesy of Bob Hilton (rhilton@henge.com)
- Lake City, Florida
- The Flying D Ranch is located 12 miles WSW of Lake CIty Florida on Hwy 247 at the county line. Two strips: 18/36 1200ft and 14/32 1600ft.
There will be a convenience store within walking distance in about 2 months on the corner. Visitors are welcome. Use of the strip is at your own risk.
- Info courtesy of George Duren (gduren@lc.gulfnet.com)
- Plant City, Florida
- Blackwater ultralight flight park inc.
- Ivey E. Cannon Pres.
- 9002 SR 39 north
- Plant City Fl. 33565
- (813)-752-7179
- This is own risk park. quite nice, grass.
- Very short hop to Lakeland sun&fun
- Info courtesy of Jeff Noyes (harley@gte.net)
- Titusville, Florida
- Located in almost downtown Titusville approx 1 mile off Titusville exit from I-95.Many ultralites use this as home field.Runways approx 2900 ft paved as well as 2000 ft grass.Unicom freq. 123.0
ultralites welcome.Home of EAA chapter 866.
- Info courtesy of Ace Kay.
- Sebring, Florida
- The Sebring Regional Airport is friendly to ultralight flyers and
Leza-Lockwood Corp. and Lockwood Aviation are based there. The
airport is in Central Florida and it's home page is at
- Info courtesy of Chris Altvater (altvater@mail.sebring-airport.com)
- Erie, Illinois
- Erie Airpark
- UL friendly field located near Erie, IL
- Privately owned public use facility
- 8689 Star Road Erie, Illinois 61250
- 309-659-2721
- erieairpark.com
- erieairpark@juno.com
- Home of the Illowa Sport Flyers EAA club 188
- Flight instruction
- Challenger sales
- Nulltown Wingnuts Inc
UL friendly field located near Nulltown, In
- Dunn Airpark
- Located on sectional
- 1/2 mile grass strip
- phone available
- auto gas available
- hanger space available
- club open to new members
- vistors welcomed to all meetings(first Sun of every mo.)
- UL fly-in Sept 13-14,1997 (free hog roast Sat Nite) 80+ UL
last year(breakfast on Sun) come help us break 100
- Monett, Missouri
- McClurg private airport welcomes ultralight aircraft.
- We are located 1 1/2 miles north of the drive-in theater at
Monett, Missouri. This is about midway between Springfield
and Joplin and then slightly south. It is not attended
except in the evenings and has no services.
- The main runway is 2000'sod running 160-340. Another runs 240-060
with less than 1000'. STOL and Powered parachutes land any
direction. Please avoid overflying neighbor's houses - OK to
overfly ours which is the brown one at the north end.
- Call 417-235-3058 for information. From the ground we are
accessed from "H" hiway -- first place west on Farm Road
2210. Leased to Sport Flight, INC.
- Info courtesy of Ralph McClurg (mcclurg@sofnet.com)
- Hamilton, Montana
Hamilton, Mont. is a great location on a small level.
My father has a fully aerobatic>>> "skyote" + "rose parakeet"
and just finished a 3/4 scale J3 cub and now on to another
kit out of the Philadelphia area (name escapes me now).
Also many others being built there... ie. RV3,4,6 and a
Starduster, and a foam kit well under way. There are a bunch
of very good builders and aircraft knowledge, one f.b.o. runs
a flight instruction school and certified to train instructors.
They also have an EAA chapter.
- Info courtesy of Peter O'Shant (est@bc.sympatico.ca)
- Perl Acres Airport (46nj) Allentown, NJ
Started in 1992.
GPS 40.09.26N 74.27.03W
2500'x 150' lighted grass strip unobstructed.
We welcome all visitors to drop in and enjoy the
fresh country air and the facilities.
We have a spacious club house w/bath, tv, vcr, beds and
communications equipment (Ham radio operators on field).
We fly all year and do many cross country trips.
So come out and join us!
- Info courtesy of Mike Scott (buzzards@mail.idt.net)
- Dart Airport Mayville, NY
P.O Box 211
Mayville, NY 14757
Dart Airport is privately owned, and located in Mayville, NY.
There are two runways, both grass. The longest is 2700'. The
coordinates are approximately 42d 16' 30"N 79d 29' 30"W.
(I calculated those from the sectional, so take 'em with a grain
of salt.) You can find Dart Airport on the Detroit sectional,
in western New York, on the tip of Lake Chautauqua. (Look for
the picture of a glider.)
Field elevation is 1330' MSL, pattern altitude is 2100' MSL.
The field has a restauraunt and an aviation museum, a part of which
is used to manufacture the Dart Skycycle ultralight. You can
also get airplane rides, glider rides, vintage biplane rides, etc.
There is a flea market at the airport every Saturday and Sunday.
Welding, airframe work, etc. is available on-field from Ed Fisher.
Yes, that Ed Fisher. (Designer of the Skylite and the Micro
Mong, amoung many others.)
The owner and operator of the field is Bob Dart, a really great
and friendly guy. He's also a CFI and training is available. If
you're looking to fly ultralights, he'll tailor your training for
that specific purpose.
- Info courtesy of Jon Steiger (steiger@ait.fredonia.edu)
- Lavon North Airport Princeton, TX
Future Flight Inc. at Lavon North Airport
The oldest and most experienced Powered Parachute Dealer
in the world Since 1983...
Buckeye Powered Parachute's Largest Dealer
Full training for all Powered Parachutes and Ultralights.
3 BFI's on hand fulltime Monday through Saturday
David English Ultralight and Powered Parachute Examiner
Richard English Powered Parachute Basic Flight Instructor
Bonnie English Powered Parachute Basic Flight Instructor
Located at:
Lavon North Airport
8560 County Road 392
Princeton Tx. 75407
(30 minutes North East of Dallas Tx.)
Specs., Info, Super Video Deal and Discounts see
our Home Page at http://www.flash.net/~fflight/
or email us at fflight@flash.net
- Info courtesy of Rich English
- Neenah, Wisconsin
- Brennand Airport
- Located 8 miles north of OSHKOSH
- Home of Freedom Aviation - Titan dealers.
- Ultralights welcome
- Ultralight pattern for 36/18 is left hand at 500 feet.
- Feel free to use sod areas at north west sector of strip or the sod on the
east side of runway.
See also:
The following was posted on the ultralight-flight mailing list by Phil Hazen.
A buddy of mine ordered and received the handbook advertised in
Octobers EAA Experimenter (and Sport Aviation) that Charles
Boehnlein mentioned earlier this week in his posting.
Ultralight Vehicles: Access in the General Aviation
Environment - A Handbook for Ultralight
Pilots (and Other Interested Folk)
Call EAA at 1-800-843-3612 and ask for: PLU #21-13097
It will cost $19.95 plus shipping and handling.
It appears to be a very good reference for any ultralight pilot
who wants to know which airports seem to permit ultralight
activity and which ones don't allow it. It lists the airports by
state and city. It also explains the FAA's position on allowing
ultralights to have access to certain airports. For ultralight
pilots who are having trouble gaining access to their local
uncontrolled airport (that has accepted public funds), it has a
suggested procedure that can be followed in dealing with both the
airport owner and the FAA. It lists the FAR's and other
reference information that may be needed to back up the
contention that ultralights can and should be allowed access to
certain airports. Sample letters and forms are included. In
some cases the town board may even need to be drawn into these
The handbook is about one inch thick. I think it is a good
investment even if you don't have any access problems in your
flying area. When I take a trip/vacation, I always enjoy
visiting local flying fields to see what other ultralight groups
are doing. I now have a good source for finding those airports
that are likely to have some UL activity.
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Jon N. Steiger / jon@ultralighthomepage.com