Miscellaneous Graphics:

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Sample image (size in kilobytes) contributor
A 1994 Fly-in. (131 K) Charles V. Boehnlein
British Microlight Aircraft Association logo. (2 K) Paul Woodroffe
Andy Gold's dimpled ultralight prototype. (10 K) Andy Gold
Click here for some background info.
An ultralight parachute jump. (144 K) Mike Saxon
(Click here for the full story. While you're there, hang
out and check out Mike's great UL page!)
The sun coming over the clouds (21 K) Vic Leggott
Lakeland Airport (Home of Sun 'N Fun). (89 K) The Sun 'N Fun Home Page
USUA logo. (43 K) Charles V. Boehnlein
USUA registration form. (18 K) Jay Curtis
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Jon N. Steiger / jon@ultralighthomepage.com