Ultralight / Microlight Videos

pwrdpara.mpg. (1.78 MB)
- A powered paraglider lifts the canopy off the ground, runs, takes off,
and lands.
- Click here for a single frame.
rocks.mpg. (1.59 MB)
- A powered paraglider's perspective of a flight above the rocky
- Click here for a single frame.
wingovrs.mpg. (1.36 MB)
- A powered paraglider's perspective during wingovers.
- Click here for a single frame.
Video For Windows (AVI)
para11.avi. (885 K)
- A powered paraglider circles a field.
- Click here for a single frame.
newpara2.avi. (1.34 MB)
- A powered paraglider takes off.
- Click here for a single frame.
newpara3.avi. (797 K)
- A powered paraglider soars upward as the camera zooms out.
- Click here for a single frame.
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Jon N. Steiger / jon@ultralighthomepage.com