Ultralight / Microlight Literature

This is the place for stories of your ultralight / microlight exploits, or
reports about the exploits of others. If you'd like to include something
of your own on this page, you can either e-mail the ASCII (and graphics, if
applicable) to me, and I'll
put it in HTML form, or if you prefer, you can send me the HTML, along
with any supporting graphics or whatever...
Info about how to send such things to me can be found via the
"Help me to make this page better" link,
off the main page.
Please keep in mind that, unless I wrote it myself, I can't be responsible for
the content of any particular story. Proceed at your own risk. :)
Time Check
- Contributed by Dan Grunloh. (grunloh@uiuc.edu)
UL Fly!
- By Jerry Casper. (jcasper@woodbridge.dynatech.com)
Stories & Reports:
1700 miles of glory (my trip to Sun-n-Fun in a homebuilt)
- By Mark Ambrose. (markea1@erols.com)
A Letter to my Friends
- By Dan Grunloh. (grunloh@uiuc.edu)
A Windy Flight
- By Dan Grunloh. (grunloh@uiuc.edu)
An Oshkosh To Remember I
- By Judson Holmes. (holmes1@ihgp.ih.lucent.com)
An Oshkosh To Remember II - the trip home
- By Judson Holmes. (holmes1@ihgp.ih.lucent.com)
Cops & Robbers
- By Erik Whitmyre (Rak96@aol.com)
Cross Country With My Flock
- By Chad Hilbert (hilbert@hom.net)
Grunloh's Oshkosh '96 Report
- By Dan Grunloh. (grunloh@uiuc.edu)
El Mirage
- By John Talbert. (talbert@stonemedia.com)
Flyin' For Me
- By Jim Cox
Flying From the Past
- By Dave Hempy. (hempy@ket.org)
How to Make Your Instructor Nervous
- By Broomstick. (brumstik@interaccess.com)
I Must Be Crazy
- By John Talbert. (talbert@stonemedia.com)
I'm Going DOWN !!!
- By Chad Hilbert (hilbert@hom.net)
It Doesn't Get Any Better
- By John Talbert. (talbert@stonemedia.com)
Lenhardts Fly-In
- By Percy G. Wood. (pwood@hevanet.com)
Lubbock to Prescott by Challenger II
- By Hal Hayden. (HalHayden@Firstsierra.com)
Mountain High
- By John Talbert. (talbert@stonemedia.com)
My Second Trip to Sun-n-Fun
- By Mark Ambrose. (markea1@erols.com)
One Tuesday Afternoon...
- By Judson Holmes. (holmes1@ihgp.ih.lucent.com)
Oshkosh '89
- By Judson Holmes. (holmes1@ihgp.ih.lucent.com)
Scrapbook Days
- Contributed by Judson Holmes. (holmes1@ihgp.ih.lucent.com)
Test Flight
- By JP. (av8r@atlantic.net)
The Great Adventure (Madrid to London, Sept. 1995)
- Contributed and HTML'd by Paul Woodroffe. (pwoo@pcmail.nerc-bas.ac.uk)
The Turlock Fly-In
- By John Talbert. (talbert@stonemedia.com)
You're probably looking for some Broomstick stories, right? If you
aren't, maybe you should be. ;-) I couldn't possibly keep up, but you can
follow this link to her Adventures in Aviation page, where you'll find each and every one of
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