USUA Membership Information

A new era of recreational aviation is taking hold in America and all over the
world, and ultralights are leading the way. It's the magic of simple,
elemental, pure flight - the wind in your face, an unobstructed view,
exploring the countryside at 40 mph. All of this is a compelling and powerful
experience. As more and more people like you are exposed to the joys and
fulfillment of ultralight flying, it is not surprising that the U. S.
Ultralight Association (USUA) is the fastest growing aviation association in
And now, you can fly along too. USUA and Ultralight Flying! Magazine are your
starting point to the world of low, slow and affordable flying - ultralight
About the U.S. Ultralight Association
USUA is the organization whose members seek to "Promote, Protect and
Represent" ultralight aviation in the United States. In 1992, membership
increased to over 7,500 ultralight enthusiasts. With this additional
support, USUA has been able to better serve the interests of its members and
the ultralight community.
What can USUA do for you? And how can you get started? It's easy...
Ultralight Instructors - USUA maintains registrations and listings for Basic
and Advanced Ultralight Instructors. These instructors are located across
the country, and are waiting to help you explore the mechanics of ultralight
flying. Whether you are just starting out in aviation or are in high time
"conventional" pilot, getting some stick time accompanied by a professional
ultralight flight instructor will be your entry point to ultralight aviation.
In fact, USUA instructors trained over 5,000 students last year. You can be
one of those students.
Ultralight Club Network - Where can you go in your are to see ultralights fly
and talk to the people who fly them? Contacting a local ultralight club is
the answer. USUA operates a network of over 90 ultralight clubs, and can put
you in touch with the one nearest you. Whether you have started flying or
not, joining a USUA club is a great way to enhance your ultralight
experience. There are breakfast fly-outs, weekend flights, week-long
cross-country trips, hangar flying, barbecues, flying tips... just a few of
the benefits when you join in with the members of your local ultralight club.
Additional Benefits - Pilot and Ultralight Vehicle Registration Programs
Ultralight Flightpark Listings National Ultralight Representation in
Washington, D.C. Ultralight Decals Ultralight Manufacturer and Accessory
Suppliers Discount Coupons Representation to the Air Sports Council and
National Aeronautic Association Much More!
Thanks to the members of USUA, flying slowly today is more than a memory -
it's the very future of flying for fun. When you add your voice to those
speaking out in defense of self-regulated ultralight flying, you are doing
way more than just joining an association. You're helping to shape that
The official magazine of the U.S. Ultralight Association is Ultralight
Flying!, the only publication in America dedicated solely to the sport of
ultralighting. Ultralight Flying! has been in publication for over 18 years
and offers you articles and information by ultralight industry leaders and
professionals not found in any other magazine. We are the undisputed
ultralight experts.
What can you expect in each monthly issue of Ultralight Flying!?
Flight Reports - Each issue of UF! contains an ultralight plane evaluation by
Flight Reporter Dan Johnson. Dan brings over 25 years and 4,000 hours of
flight experience to his evaluations, helping you make an informed ultralight
purchase by telling you all about how the ultralight handles, prices and
specifications, the manufacturer's track record and more. Essential reading
before the purchase of a new or used ultralight.
"Industry Watch" and "Flightlines" - Our monthly "Industry Watch" column
features pages of all the newest ultralight planes, products, and accessories
that help make your ultralighting even more fun. "Flightlines" features the
latest news and information on ultralight aviation such as upcoming
cross-country trips you can join, fun competition meets, political news and
more. Our years in the business give us the contacts to get you the hottest
news - while it is still hot.
"Wingtips" - Longtime ultralight aviation author Dennis Pagen brings you
monthly tips on how to improve your flying skills and weather knowledge.
Headquarters Report - Each month you'll receive the latest information on the
world of ultralighting in the U.S. Ultralight Association Headquarters
Report. Reports from FAA concerning ultralighting; club information;
accident reports; airsports activities; Director's Memo; member portraits
and much more. News from ultralighters - about ultralighters - you won't
find in any other publication.
Feature Stories - Cross-country flights like Rick Trader's trip in an
ultralight from New Jersey to Alaska and back home; how to deal with FAA;
engine maintenance; satellite navigation; how to preflight your ultralight;
humor articles; ultralight event and airshow coverage; and many more
monthly features including pages of classified ads highlighting ultralight
dealers and new and used ultralights for sale.
Special Issues and Sections - UF! devotes special sections and even entire
issues during the year to special topics of the most interest to
ultralighters. Sections like the U.S. Ultralight Flight Park Guide,
Ultralight Club Showcase, Event and Airshow Previews and...
The Annual Ultralight Buyer's Guide - This is the issue any aspiring
ultralight pilot can't do without. Photos, prices, specifications,
performance figures and more on over 130 models of single- and two-place
ultralights, trikes and powered parachutes.
...Plus - Where to go to get started Complete list of ultralight regulations
Help in selecting the ultralight that's right for you The complete "How to
Get Started in Ultralights" primer!
Ultralight Flying! has been called the ultralight industry's "bible". It
adds so much to your ultralight experience, you won't want to miss a single
So, what are you waiting for? Join the thousands who have experienced the
thrill of flying ultralights. Let the U.S. Ultralight Association and
Ultralight Flying! magazine show you how easy it is to get started.
Request a membership application today:
Email: usua3@aol.com
Snail-mail: P.O. Box 667 Frederick, MD 21705
(include name, address and telephone#)
Telephone: (301)695-9100
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Jon N. Steiger / jon@ultralighthomepage.com